Certainly, lined paper is no more toxic than white! They don't eat the stuff anyway.
I use shredded paper as bedding sometimes; it's pretty good, just doesn't control the odor as well as Care Fresh, so you change it a little more often.Can i use regular lined paper for my rats bedding(it will be shredded)?
Who knows what's used to dye it, do not use it. Also, the wooly type bedding is bad, animals can get toes stuck in it and actually constricted so that they drop off. The same with towels, the strings at the ends thata re frayed can wrap around a toe or leg and amputate it.
I'm not sure about the chemicals used in that particular paper (different companies might make their paper different ways?), but I, personally, avoid it for comfort reasons as well. I don't think it'll give paper cuts, but it's not the comfiest thing in the world.
You should try using fleece blankets or towels. I use fleece towels in my guys' cage. I just have 4 different ';rat towels'; that I rotate. They're cozy and I can just wash and re-use. The fleece may start to smell eventually, so you may need to replace it periodically.
EDIT: Just to note, fleece towels do not have little threads to tangle ratty feet. ;P
yes! try it. shredded paper cant give paper cuts! sheesh ;) jus go ahead and try it. if they dont like it? try something else thats new. if they DO like it? yay! :D
i think they made shredded paper for rodents but im not sure, but i think that like everyone else is saying it might cause paper cuts though......
Absolutely not!! Do you like paper cuts?
yes you can its a great idea so go ahead and do it hope your rat feels comfort
i hear its ok but paper does cut so u have to wry bout tht i suggest bedding fluff or wat ev u wanna call it its like cotton n its soft n comfy for them its always worked for me
Animal hater!
I used to go to Lowes and get their shipping paper. It comes in bulk and its thin and with no dyes. They're also huge so you can line the cage with it and also tear off pieces for them to play with later. My rats lo b Ed to rip it up and make it into bedding.