Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Do rats stink up the house?

r rats stinky i think im going to get one but my dad wants to know if there stinky smelly that kind of thingDo rats stink up the house?
they areDo rats stink up the house?
All animals including yourself have some kind of odor.
No they don't. Keep there cage clean and you guys will get along fine.

And if you get one it's your responsibility.
If you never clean their cage yes they are stinky, but other than that they are not and they are very smart animals and can learn to do so many things.
No more than mice or gerbils. And very much less than snakes!
no i have had six...boy rats smell more than girls do and the cage starts to smell if u dont change the liter every week
Rats do not stink they are one of the cleanest rodents they only smell if you do not clean them out they love to be handled and make excellent pets . people get put off because of the wild rats that live in sewers and things they carry all of the nasty germs they are nothing like mice . Mice stink there urine is very strong and leaves a nasty whiff . people also get put off by there tails . I have owned and bred rats for years they make wonderful pets and very clean.
they kinda do i think you would be better off get-en a hamster you can do allot more with them i have one and she is great and friendly too
No they don't as long as you change their bedding
Rats smell the LEAST of all small animals. I have 11 in my room. 7 females in one cage, 2 more in another cage and 2 males in one cage. I try to clean the cages once a week, but sometime it doesn't get done for 2 weeks, and you still cannot smell them.

Males do smell more than females, but they still smell a lot less than hamsters, gerbils or other small animals.

People who say they smell are usually only used to mice and just assume they are like mice who smell bad, but they are SO wrong. Rats are the easiest small animals to keep clean and to handle period.

I hope this helps...GOOD LUCK!!!
just keep it's cage clean at least every other day :)
Nada, my sisters gerbils smelled more then my rat.
Nope. Cages need cleaned 1-2 times per week (once MINIMUM) and you can bathe a rat every 3-4 weeks. Your rats health is directly linked to cage cleanliness! I pick girls because they tend to be less musky, but its really up to you. Boys are cuddly, girls are adventurous.

Don't use wood shavings. They release phenol (toxic) when wet. My vet said newspaper is just fine for bedding and cage liner. You can also pick a paper bedding from the pet store.

From another post I made last week:

';There a lot of people in here who are severely miseducated about rats... and probably pets in general. This scares me (as do all stupid people in large groups). There's a big difference between a wild rat and a domestic one... and even wild ones can be tamed to a certain extent if they're caught early enough (before eyes open).

For those who want to saw EWWWW OMG RAT! RATS ARE NASTY EWWWW, you should promptly go play in traffic or throw yourself off of a very high cliff (bonus points for sharp rocks at the bottom). You're too ignorant to live, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Chances are that you'll never be 100% satisfied or competant with any pet you get, because ALL pets have something disgusting about them (cat vomit/litterbox, dog poop, lizard skin, ANY disease your animal may contract, etc.). For the love and benefit of God and everybody around you, don't make comments about things you know nothing about. If you intend to volunteer your deluded, misguided opinion, at least make sure somebody has the satisfaction of beating it out of you first.';
if you don't keep their cages clean....
Hi. Rats only get smelly if you dont keep there cage clean. I have 14 (3 fosters today and 11 are mine) thats 3 cages full, 7 in one of the cages. I dont have problems with them smelling at all. I wash shlefs down dailey when they pee on them, then alternate the days of changing hammocks and shredded paper.

Only takes less than 5 minutes a day to sort each cage out, normaly do that when there got out for range time.
No, not if they are cleaned out properly and regularly. Once a week depending on how many you have should be fine. Once every 2 weeks is ok too if you have a large enough cage...

If the bedding you give them is hay or straw this tends to reaaally stink! I always used wood shavings, they are much better.

But overall, no, rats do not smell. They are very clean actually. Ferrets have a distinct smell, they emit oils from their skin that makes them smelly. But rats have no smell.

You should get 2 rats, as one will be very lonely. They are very sociable and it is cruel to just keep one. They need a very large cage and fresh fruit and vegetables every day. You should get 2 baby rats as they will be easier to tame when they are young. They are gorgeous animals. I've had many rodents and my rat was the sweetest. She would never bite ever, even when very scared, or when you put your fingers in through the bars. She was brown and white.

Email me if you need any info on them.

Good luck!
Only if you don't clean the cage regularly!
We feed 'feeder' rats to our boa - we get them in a box from the petstore %26amp; can't wait for our snake to get rid of them. We don't keep the rats either, we get them straight home %26amp; the snake eats them right a way. They smell awful!

*Wow! Didn't realize I said anything that deserved all the 'thumbs down'. You people who gave me the downs should realize that a snake has to eat too. It's nature! And as far as the rats stinking when we bring them home from the pet store, maybe ours stink because they're 'feeder' rats (this is what they tell us to ask for when we go in, not just any rat). Kudos to those of you that love them %26amp; don't have a problem with stink. Me personally, I'll stick with the snake : )

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