Friday, February 5, 2010

RATS!!!!! Are they around?

Is it possible that there could be rats running around my house in the walls in the middle of winter, snow and all?? Because i always hear scattering noises. I haven't actually seen any but i think it is rats.RATS!!!!! Are they around?
Could be rats or mice or squirrels. Do you also find droppings anywhere or any evidence of eating in your cupboards?

Now if you have rats, you also have mice, so here is how to find out--get some mouse traps and some gumdrops. Place the mouse traps in places where mice would be likely to lurk (like in your pantry) and bait the trap with the gumdrop but do not set the trap! Leave the unset trap and check it in the morning. You are waiting for the gumdrop to disappear. That means that there are mice and they have accepted the trap in their midst. Now you set the traps! You'll have some mice in the morning. Then call an exterminator.

If you have squirrels, you need to check your attic and any ports of entry (exhaust fan vents, dryer vents, chimneys, etc) because they will be nesting in it. Squirrels are a real problem. They are worse than mice. If you find squirrel evidence, call an exterminator.

Good luck!RATS!!!!! Are they around?
i once heard a fact, im not sure how true it is, but it says that you're never 10 metres away from a rat. i live in the city and i hear them in bushes and stuff quite often
It happens
It's possible, but I think it's probably more likely to be nesting birds or bats. Give the local pest control people a ring - but be careful - many species are protected and you can't get rid of them!

I don't think it's likely to be rats - they're far more secretive than hiding in your walls.

Good luck.
It's more likely to be mice in your walls. The rats are in the sewers.
Could be possible, call the environmental health dept.
Yes,or squirrels.You need to walk around your house and look for holes and seal them up.
Yeah they ain't scared of the snow, in London they recon your never more that 20ft away from a rat, sick to think about really
well i got 4 or 5 rats in the office were i work, my BOSS IS ONE OF THEM. X
in london there is a rat around 7 metres or closer away from you at all times
yes, rats or mice.

they often come into house viods in the winter. Rats can get though a hole just 25mm across.

What you need to do is get rid of them now because it'll be adults making a nest and before long they will have 6-8 young.

Find the holes / rat runs in the walls, roof, torches etc and put poison granules there. Repeat for a week and you'll find they disappear.
Rats or mice can get into walls. So can squirrels. Rats and mice are out and about in the winter months also. One year a rat was living under my neighbor's shed. It made a tunnel from there to the snow buried bushes around our birdfeeder. We'd see him pop out of his tunnel, get some seed and disappear again. You can have an exterminator come in and check it out.
if you find little droppings in your house you have a problem if not theyre in your walls or under your floorboards

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