Friday, February 12, 2010

Why do rats pee so much?

i just got two femaleWhy do rats pee so much?
Its marking their territory. You should actually take it as a good thing if they pee on you because that means they like you. Rats will pee on each other if they like each other. You just got to clean the smelly areas a few times a week and once really well once a week. And they poo when taken out usually because they are nervous. As soon as they do it put them in their cage because that means they have had enough. Slowly you will be able to take them out longer and longer and it does get better. But some will never stop going all over the place.Why do rats pee so much?
small bodies, small stomaches, small intestines, small..... well... u get the rest....
i never noticed, maybe they are marking their territory

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